With Brian Durk of Bees abroad In Cameroon volunteering on beekeeping
With Brian Durk of Bees abroad In Liberia and universal Outreach NGO volunteering on beekeeping
Teaching local farmers organic beekeeping
At Slowfood International Conference in Italy.With Brian Durk participated in Honey Bar
Supply of Beekeeping materials to local farmers .presented by Dr Bashir Yusuf (Board member)
Women in Beekeeping

Bob Cole and Local Farmers during Beekeeping training workshop.
Winrock International Volunteer Scott Starley and local farmer trying to bring down local hive from a tree top.
Bomo Village District Head with Winrock International Country Director Peter Williams together with two International Consultants.
Mr. V.C Agu of Projects Co-ordinating Unit and Members of Biye BeeKeepers Scociety.
Supply of Beekeeping equipment to Anguwan Muazu Women Cooperative Society Kaduna State
Tearm of International Agricultural Consultants,USAID mission, Land O. Lakes & Winrock International.
Umar (son to Idris Founder of Beekeeping Extension Society)Explaining honey products to Vice President of Nigeria(osinbajo) at USAID exhibition in 2018
Delivery van of Z-Honey enterprise
Women beekeepers training other women
Group of Local women beekeeping volunteers
Local Children being trained at Beekeeping Extension Resource Center (sponsored by 1% Fund for Development of United Nations )
Women in training at Beekeeping Resource Center
Women being supplied with honey production equipment
Mr Chris Grace , Winrock International Volunteer with community beekeepers